Sunday, October 30, 2005

Website Feature: UniVOICEsal Productions - PODWORX!

Our website feature of the day is Univoicesal Productions. This company is one of the youngest audio productions and sound designing company in the country today.

For the month of October, the company has produced two podcast. Check them out and listen to their Unicast episodes.

I think what makes them different is that this company is serious in producing high-quality and very professional podcast. Podcasting is very much new and it will take time before this new medium takes off.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Website Feature: Swambi Incorporated

Our website feature for today is Swambi Incorporated. This site bagged the recent Katha Best Website Award at the Manila F.A.M.E. International.

The product photos were done so beautifully that can really make any Filipino proud. This site is a toast for Filipino high-quality export furniture. Its simplicity, being easy to browse, and substantive made this site really great.

Cheers to you Swambi!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Call for support: Philippine Schools CyberFair 2006

We are currently inviting companies to sponsor or support the Philippine Schools CyberFair 2006 as we kicked off our Regional Competition last August and will be launching the National Competition this November.

Just buy 100 copies of the Philippine Internet Review: 10 Years of Internet History (1994-2004) for thirty-four thousand pesos (P34,000) and you are automatically a sponsor for the Philippine Schools Cyberfair 2006 regional and national competition. (Please make all checks payable to Posh Marketing Services.)

As a sponsor, you shall be entitled to the following:

  • Recognize your company as a donor in one of the Cyberfair categories and levels (8 categories and 3 levels).
  • Present or deliver a talk or topic during the Cyberfair student convention or teacher training.
  • Have your streamer posted and flyers given out during the Cyberfair student convention and 5-days teacher training. (December for regional level and April for national level)
  • Have your company listed as sponsor in the Philippine Schools CyberFair website.
  • Have your banner ad (468x60) posted at

We hope this request will merit the interest of companies.

For the growth of relevant Internet use and e-commerce in the Philippines!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Website Feature: Resources for the Blind

The website of the Resources for the Blind is one true demonstration as to how the Internet can help NGO groups in promoting their advocacy. With blindness as the leading disability in the Philippines, every Filipino must be concerned. As we get older, one way or another, we will have disabilities that we have to cope up with, whether we like it or not.

Resources for the Blind is one of the leading organizations who are helping the blind through their various programs. I got to feature them in the past for their Computer Eyes program, in partnership with various entities like IBM Philippines. I got the chance to write about them as well in my column and for the APECTel - Philippines Perspective on ICT Accessibility.

The Computer Eyes project got featured in the Philippine Internet Review as well.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Website Feature:

With so many Philippine websites coming out, I decided to start using this blog to feature them. Your comment on the websites featured here will be very much appreciated.

To start off, our first website feature is This website of Abe Olandres gives bloggers an opportunity to have their blogs posted in the listing. Just logon to the site and create an account.

From there, you'll be able to add your website and get the needed HTML code to have the button in your website. Once in, your website traffic gets monitored and get listed or ranked according to it.

I guess those who joins the site are not there to be on a top or low spot, it is just a free publicity for blogs which is just great. Check it out!